Griffin Lithography Press

I’m happy to report that the Griffin Litho Press is moving to Westport on the Washington coast.

I’m happy to see this beauty continue the legacy of stone printmaking.

An early 32” x 60” non-motorized Griffin, serial #0040. Original paint.
Includes false bed, scraper bars, tympan, covered shelf, and lower shelving/support for hydraulic lift for moving press in the studio.
A couple of nice stones, small, c. 16″ x 20″. One is a beautiful blue stone.
A leather hand roller; custom made by Craig Cornwall. It was barely broken in and has been wrapped for a number of years. It has rosewood handles.
Several ball-grained aluminum plates, c. 26×36” a good number photo- positive working aluminum plates and chemistry, unopened.

This press is located near Olympia, Washington and is fully functional and is a joy to use for stone and aluminum plate lithography, monotype, and relief printmaking.

It will be active in the print community and no doubt inspire others in practice of lithography.


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