
Welcome! I am glad you found my work and hope you will visit on a regular basis; subscribe to the blog to have notices of my posts delivered to you directly, when posted. Use the share icons with your friends and anyone you think would be interested, and on social media. If you do subscribe, your inbox will not be inundated, as my posts average about one a month. Additionally, I maintain the site on a regular basis and employ strong anti-spam software. Your privacy is respected!

As a visual artist, my objective is to use this site to present my art to you. Artworks from various periods of my production are presented, combining current works with some from the archive. The blog is where I share information about these works as well as my current activities. On the home page you can navigate from the menu bar using the Portfolio tab to drop-down the sub-menus of Paintings, Prints, Photographs, or access them by rolling over the images; once in a portfolio, click on an image thumbnail to activate a gallery. Links follow the convention, using blue to open a new page directly related to the subject. The Search Bar is set up to take you to art, artists, and places I’ve written about in the various blog posts.

My artworks are found in numerous private and public collections. My undergraduate degree in fine arts is from San Diego State University; I received an M.F.A. from University of California at Santa Barbara. My teaching career at Western Washington University spanned several decades (studio arts courses in printmaking, drawing, painting, photography, including curating and gallery director). I have had residencies and worked independently in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, France, Belgium, Italy, and England. For many years my studio was  adjacent to the south Salish Sea near Olympia, Washington. I have recently returned to Seattle with my studio near the Olympic Sculpture Park.

You can find more of my photographs in the blog section as they supplement posts; also on Flickr and Instagram.

Since first going live, this website, arttaj.com has been hosted by DreamHost. They  have been an excellent host with attentive and professional support. They are excellent in every way. If you are looking for a reliable, full service host, click on the link to visit their site and learn about their offerings. -Highly Recommended, 5-stars – TAJ

Please note, all aspects of this website, blog, and my photographs are copyright protected. Please contact me directly if you are interested in commercial use.