Honoring RBG
On September 29th, Olympia Indivisible sponsored a peaceful rally to honor the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Friends and neighbors masked up and social distanced on Fourth Avenue in downtown Olympia. Our signs said RUTH SENT US:
To Protect the Supreme Court
To Flip the Senate
To Win the White House
To Phone Bank, Text, and Donate
To Save Democracy
And Vote Early! Use Ballot Boxes
Learn How: OlympiaIndivisible.org
A set of photographs on my Flickr account document some of the rallies of the past three years as well as this group.
- Flag
- Honor RBG
- Honoring RBG
- Justice
- Thank You RBG
- Vote
- Honoring RBG
- To Win the White House
- Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Left – Center – Right
- Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- All Ages
- Learn How to Win the White House
- We Honor the Notorious RBG
- To Vote
- To Win the White House