Earlier this month, to celebrate the new year and share some images with friends, we brought out the old slide projector and pulled some slides from the archive. It was an evening filled with nostalgia, a hot lamp shining light through old transparencies, complete with dust and scratches, the sound of the fan, the aroma of hot dust, and to complete the experience, there was the obligatory stuck slide; we were lucky the bulb didn’t burn out as there were none to be had locally. All in all, it was a fun evening seeing these images again and sharing them with friends. It was also a reminder that the time had come to start that long put off scanning project. Now that scanning is underway I’ll be posting a variety of images, many shot with my favorite camera at the time, a Leica IIf, primarily using Kodachrome 25. These first images are in the atelier of master printer Rudolf Broulim, Continue reading →
Atelier Lacourière et Frélaut, Paris – Metro and Primary X²
I was living in Paris in an apartment on rue Daguerre and working at Atelier Lacourière et Frélaut; Jacques and Robert Frélaut showed me their approach to making aquatints. Luc Guerin pulled the proofs and printed the edition. The title was inspired by my daily commute on the metro, across the city, from Montparnasse Continue reading →
Lithography with Rudolf Broulim, Antwerp, Belgium
An artist I met at Atelier Lacourière Frélaut, Hugo Besard, introduced me to Rudolf Broulim, a master printmaker who had left his native Prague and settled near Antwerp. Rudolf has worked with many artists (including Jiří Anderle and Oldřich Kulhánek), producing stunning artworks, Continue reading →
Stanley William Hayter’s Atelier 17, Paris
Bartok and Fleuropa
Some days I would use my Carte Orange pass, taking the bus to Montparnasse, then catching the Metro to Pernety Station; other days I would walk to the atelier, exploring different routes and streets through the 14th arrondissement. I was working during the morning studio sessions, often arriving before the atelier opened. I’d go next door to Madame Paulette’s cafe, where I’d sometimes meet other artists who had come from distant parts of the world, some who had fled their countries for political reasons, others who had come to study with Hayter, and some who just needed a place to work.
Bartok is a small copperplate engraving based Continue reading →