The first time I saw the State Capitol in Olympia was through the windshield of my Volkswagen MicroBus. We were just moving to the state where I had accepted a faculty position. Continue reading →
Olympia Wa
Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Honoring RBG
On September 29th, Olympia Indivisible sponsored a peaceful rally to honor the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Friends and neighbors masked up and social distanced on Fourth Avenue in downtown Olympia. Our signs said RUTH SENT US:
To Protect the Supreme Court
To Flip the Senate
To Win the White House
To Phone Bank, Text, and Donate
To Save Democracy
And Vote Early! Use Ballot Boxes
Learn How:
A set of photographs on my Flickr account document some of the rallies of the past three years as well as this group.
- Flag
- Honor RBG
- Honoring RBG
- Justice
- Thank You RBG
- Vote
- Honoring RBG
- To Win the White House
- Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Left – Center – Right
- Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- All Ages
- Learn How to Win the White House
- We Honor the Notorious RBG
- To Vote
- To Win the White House
Defend Democracy 2020

Tear Gas is a War Crime
A non-violent protest to Stand with Portland in support of Black Lives Matter, Wall of Moms Portland, Wall of Vets, Wall of Dads, organized by Olympia Indivisible on Saturday July 25, 2020. This was one of the dozens of rallies organized by other Indivisible chapters throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Follow this link to view other photographs from this event as well as others from the past three years:
Next Generation of Voters
This image is from the March for Our Lives, to end gun violence, when young people organized across the country, callingĀ attention to their concerns about gun violence and their future. This event was in March, 2018 at the State Capitol in Olympia, Washington.
Night Walk Night Hawks
A walk around downtown Olympia on a drizzly spring Friday night inspires this post. Viewers who are familiar with my approach know that I’m a creature of habit, returning to locations time and again, to see and record changes that occur over time. I’ve shared some of those experiences in previous posts and add a few new images.
- New Lighting
- 5th Avenue
- 4th Ave E & Capitol Way N