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I know, I know! I’ve made this picture before. It’s been said, we only have one picture in us…we just keep repeating it over and over.
This one, another one from on the road (to nowhere*), in lieu of pencil and paper, burin and copper, was made direct with tools at hand (pictured).
Another marker of sorts, it is part of a recurring theme in which I find myself repeating an action, revisiting a place, sometimes literally, at time intentionally, in hopes of discovering something new.
One of the first times I realized this, I was standing in front of an Ingres drawing in one of the temporary exhibitions in the Louvre; and on subsequent visits I would find myself in close proximity, viewing other works, Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Rubens, to name a few. Like this experience, I return to ongoing themes in my work, not for the sake of mere repetition, but for a fuller understanding.

* heard David Byrne & St. Vincent at Ravinia last night. Wow!

1 comment

What a clever guy….fun!

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